Sweet Sounds is held on the second Tuesday of every month, from 7:00-9:00pm (unless noted differently on our event calendar).
Hosted by Steve Beer this event will feature two musicians for 45-50 minutes sets each. Sweet Sounds performers must be a regular or semi-regular Tasty Tunes Open Mic participants.
This event allows performers, who participate at Tasty Tunes Open Mic, an opportunity to play more songs and present a real sampling of their music.
If you would like to be a Sweet Sounds Performer please contact Steve or Maggie during our Thursday evening Tasty Tunes open mic, or in a private message at https://www.facebook.com/Tasty-Tunes-Open-Mic-at-Taste-Budds-Cafe-202401109828455/ . We are always happy to book the calendar. If artists are confirmed before the first of the month they will be named in our enews and cafe postings.