NOW VIRTUAL LIVE - please read all and find connection link at the bottom of this message.
Taste Budd's Cafe has been hosting live acoustic music since 2005. We are the longest running, consistent live music venue in Red Hook. Tasty Tunes Virtual Open Mic is an inviting and supportive community of artists from near and far. We usually entertain 15 to 22 performers (2 songs each). Sign ups between 5:30, the show runs between 6:00-9:30pm. This event is for musical performers only (we host other events for spoken word). Sorry no Karaoke. Please support this event with services from www.Tastebudds.com cafe orders online delivery and take out, and mail order gifts. Show tips are collected for RedHookResponds.org helping to feed the homebound and sick. Your host will present this charity during the event. . We look forward to hearing you!!
note: Most Tasty Tunes events are video/audio recorded and posted to You Tube and Facebook weekly.
Feel free to email our hosts Maggie Rothwell or Steve Beer at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Time: This is a recurring Virtual Open mic 5:30pm-9:30pm Thursdays
to join please message at https://www.facebook.com/Tasty-Tunes-Open-Mic-at-Taste-Budds-Cafe-202401109828455/
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tasty-Tunes-Open-Mic-at-Taste-Budds-Cafe/202401109828455
For any questions please contact our host Maggie Rothwell through a private message at the Tasty Tunes Open Mic at Taste Budd's Cafe facebook page.